Thursday, November 6, 2008

Berkeley celebrates (i.e. FREAKS OUT) about Obama

This kind of makes me wish I were on campus Tuesday night, but it mostly makes me glad I wasn't! And it definitely makes me glad I'm not a Republican in this town. Holy moly.

I'm glad Obama was elected, but I'm realistic, too. I think he'll be a good president in a lot of ways, but I'm not going to join in some crazy mob mentality, creepy slogan chanting, flock of propagandists. He's still a politician, people. A great one, yes, and that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I really and truly think he'll do great things. But he's still a politician.

One thing I'm sure about, though, is I am beyond bummed that Proposition 8 passed. What a bunch of ignorant bigots. And I can say that because this is my blog. Bigots, bigots, bigots. I wish they would've worded the thing as a two part question:

1) Do you believe adults should have the legal right to enter into a marriage agreement in the State of California?

2) Do you believe that some people should have more rights than others?

Done deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, you're such a LIBERAL :) btw, I'm heading to Vegas next week to help your bro., if I don't talk to you by Sun. reachable by laptop or cell. :heart: <3