Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today is really weird, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, I had a fabulous run with my doggies this morning. Here's where we went:

We ran up into the hills for a bit, then looped all the way down and ran along the Bay, where I discovered where all the other runners go on the weekends! It was a gorgeous morning, the dogs had a blast and are completed exhausted now, and I'm extremely pleased that I can still crank out a solid 10-miler. I still have secret hopes of running the Napa Valley Marathon in March, but I don't actually think that will happen. I think it's more realistic to shoot for San Francisco at the end of July...

Anyway, besides just feeling happy to be alive, running around town really makes me connect with this place. Every time I go out for a run, I put some more pieces into my mental layout of how the town fits together, and it feels a little bit more mine. That's one great thing about running that I think all other runners would agree about: you form a rather intimate connection with the landscape, and you really get a feel for the different parts of town.

So that part of the morning was great, and then I got home and made pumpkin pancakes with gingerbread syrup. Oh man. I'll be doing that again very soon, and I'd be perfectly happy to share the recipe with anyone who wants it. Everyone deserves to experience such deliciousness.

Now I'm wasting time before I jump in to some homework, but I also needed a second to readjust my brain. I guess part of the reason today was so weird is there was a big contrast between feeling great after running and then talking to my stepmom about my little brother. He's been in and out of the hospital constantly the past few weeks, and I am so frustrated, as are they. The doctors can't figure out what's wrong with him, she's losing her mind, and it really sucks that I can't even just stop by to say hello, or offer to babysit Amber, or something. Michael's going to see some specialists in Springfield tomorrow, though, so hopefully they'll figure something out and he'll get on the right track to recovery. That's what the "ARGH" is all about!

Ok. Now I'm going to do some homework. Oh, I didn't even tell you about going to the football game yesterday! It was really fun, but really bizarre because I've never been to a football game where it was a little uncomfortably warm and I had to worry about getting a sunburn. Football games are supposed to be cold! These Californians really don't get it. But we won, and it was a good (albeit very long) game.

Ok. Now it's time for homework. I hope this finds you well, and I'll do my best to update again soon; we have a long weekend for Thanksgiving, so I should have some time to say hello sometime in there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you're becoming a
pretty good cook. The pancakes
sound great. You're getting very
much at home in California too.
I guess that's okay for now, I
just hope it's not going to be
permanent. Bye
Grandma and Grandpa