Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Whoo! Good. Day.

Today was so good!  I went to my weight lifting class this morning and it made me feel like RAWR I can do anything, which is always a great start to the day.  Then I had a meeting about a (paid!) project I'm working on for the up-and-coming UC Berkeley Data Lab, which also made me feel capable and productive.  And then I read an article about word learning, thought about my dissertation for a bit, then had another meeting with our department's undergraduate advisor because I'm designing a course to teach next summer about language acquisition, and I want it to appeal to as many undergrads as possible.

Then I was so excited about my class that I worked on the syllabus for longer than I probably should have, since I have other things to be doing, and then I realized I was getting hungry, so I came home.  And now I am drinking a beer and making a stir-fry and listening to Wilco and life is good.

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