Thursday, September 13, 2012

ooooh, that's puuuurty

Welcome to my re-designed blog!

The time has come for me to change the name of my blog, since, well, I'm no longer living with my coonhounds these days (and let's not talk about that any. more. ever. again. because just typing those words is making me tear up), and also because I don't know how much longer I'm going to be living in Berkeley anyway, and also because... I'm perhaps not-so-gracefully transitioning into a different period of my life right now, and it just seemed like the right time to change things up.

So I'm Melinda the aspiring academic speech scientist now, and I will be putting forth all efforts to stay sound minded for the foreseeable future.

And plus: isn't that a really great pun?  A friend of mine unintentionally made it yesterday, and because I was the only one who noticed it, I feel justified in appropriating it for my own use.  I am sound minded, or trying to be!


Anonymous said...

WOWZERS! pretty danged impressive. oops, I should sound like the mother of a future academic speech scientist. Oh well. I love the new blog, but I'm sad now, too. Fortunately, I don't have time to be sad today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I love you very much!!!!!!

Your mommy

JadeEJF said...

I love the new name :D It's great! Totally made me giggle :)