Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Day

you didn’t know that I write?


I had forgotten too, to tell you the truth

for me
is an untangling of sorts

a loosening of stubborn knots
and a stroking of tender muscles

I write when sentences won’t do the trick
when uncompleted thoughts and abandoned fragments
say what a carefully constructed paragraph cannot

I write when I am weary
gingerly gripped by despair
turning a painful thought over in my mind
poking a bruise until I know exactly why and how it hurts

I write when my pain is mixed with joy
and when my optimism is studded with flashes of melancholy
I write to scream
I write to be silent

I write when I am alone

I don’t, when I am not

I treasure a late night spent in the company of
a ticking clock and my clacking keys
a soft, burning throbbing behind my eyes
and a gentle aching in my heart

I write to get it all out
but to keep it, while I do

for me
is an undressing

it is peeling off a damp wetsuit
and standing
on the beach