Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ohhhhh la la la la...

So, change of plans. (I guess I'm telling this to my two new blog fans who will be the only ones reading this post for a while. You know who you are. ;) ) We have way too much crap to get done still, so we have pushed back our departure date until Thursday morning. I feel like we could get it all done tonight, but really, what's the point? Leaving by tomorrow was completely arbitrary anyway, so it doesn't make any difference whatsoever for us to push it back a day. And then we can relax a little tonight and have the whole day tomorrow to finish loading up and cleaning.

Yes, that will be much better. Plus it's really hot in here and I just want to sit on the porch and drink a glass of tea for a few minutes.

I'm a little bummed because mentally, I'm completely ready to blow this popsicle stand. I've been gearing up for it for so long that I just want to get on the road already! But it's a much better idea for us to hold our proverbial horses.

Sorry for the anticlimactic goodbyes today, guys! One more day in Illinois it is.


Anonymous said...

hi! Don't know why my comment didnt work the first time, so lets try again.

I was so tearing up when you were leaving today. :( boo.

Glad you are taking it easy and getting things done at your own pace - you have plenty of time.

Melinda said...

Hey, I can see your comment this time!

Anyway, yeah, I'm glad we're taking an extra day. I'm just so antsy, y'know??

Allie said...

Proud blog-fan here!

We knew you couldn't leave us, Melinda!

Michelle Moulton said...

Nice blog, Melinda! Or, as my mom calls it, nice *blop*: "Ah, you kids these days and your blops." I can't wait to read all about your wild west adventures, but especially the non-wild, non-adventurous, boring times out there, too.

=] Michelle

Melinda said...

Haha, a blop! I love it! I may have to re-title this thing in honor of your mom. ;)

I'm so glad you found my blop, though, Michelle, and I'll be happy to update it more often once we get internet at home.

I hope you're doing great! Let me know how your preparations for Quad Cities are going!