Monday, July 1, 2013

horseshoes, hand grenades, and dissertations?

Almost.  Almost!  I almost made it to the 100 page mark today.  I really, really wanted to make it, but it's 7:05 and it's time to head over to G's and bottle the beer we started brewing a few weeks ago.  I'm about done for the day mentally, anyway.

But that means that tomorrow, I'm going to break the 100 page mark!  More importantly, though, it also means that I added 8 pages to the ol' diss today (no small feat), and also that I am closing in on the end of this chapter.  Just need to finish up the discussion section and write most of the introduction, which I can do in about a day and a half if I really put my mind to it.

I cannot wait to be done with this chapter.  Then I'll have a little over a month to edit, fix, and tie things together, but the bulk of it will be done.  Don't worry, you will get a triumphant update when I wrap this one up, probably on Wednesday of this week.

Chugga chugga chugga chugga...


John S-G said...

At least you won't have any BART noise to distract you! ;-D

Huge congratulations!!! 8 pages is a big deal, and breaking the hundred page mark is huge!

Melinda said...

Thanks, John!!

But yeah... bummer about BART this week!