Saturday, May 4, 2013

I'm me! I'm me!

Guys!  Guys!  The six month waiting period is up, and my finalized divorce paperwork came in the mail today.  I never thought it would feel good to be officially divorced, but there it is.  I'm just so relieved to be able to get my name back.  So I went to the bank and changed my name on my account this afternoon.  It was the only thing I could do so far, because the social security administration, campus registrar's office, DMV, etc. are all closed today.  But it's a start, and it felt really good.

Now I'm sitting in my apartment with the windows and door wide open, eating delicious, delicious strawberries from the farmer's market with Greek yogurt, and the lady with the massive garden whose backyard adjoins mine is out gardening in the sunshine, and the people in the apartment building next door are having a party and blasting bossa nova music and laughing.

It's a good day.