Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Snot Soup

Sorry for the gross title, but that's basically what I have sitting on my stove right now.  What happened to my tapioca pearls??  Last time I cooked them, I started them in the microwave, because I thought they would only take a few minutes.  Then after about 25 minutes in there and not much change, I put them on the stove and still had to cook them for nearly an hour.

So today I started them directly on the stove, but when I went to stir them, they completed dissolved.  I thought I might be able to just keep cooking them and end up with pudding, but the texture is just too weird, so now I have a bowl of goo to like, pour down the sink.

I am simultaneously disappointed, fascinated, and mildly grossed out.

Edit: This was my 100th post!!  What a lame-ass 100th post!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"snot soup"? such a midwesterner. or just your mother's daughter. at least it wasn't spinach dip?