Saturday, April 23, 2011


Psssssssst -

I just bought plane tickets to Paris in June.

< !!!!! >

(That makes me freak out a little inside.)

It will have been almost exactly 5 years since I left Paris by the time I arrive, and my heart does little flip flops when I think about going back.  Isn't that silly?  But I actually clicked the "buy tickets" button, and my credit card has been charged, and I am actually actually actually going in just over a month.

< !!!!! >

Freak out!  Paris!  In June!  Like, in just over a month!!  It is going to be so, so lovely, and I'm going to be there with some friends I like very, very much, and we're doing some awesome and exciting research and I'm going to take my new camera and take lots of gorgeous pictures, and there will be coffee and pastries and long, long runs through the park and dinner and wine and sleeping with the windows open and watching the Eiffel Tower light show at night and wandering around aimlessly and sitting in cafés and perusing bookstores and riding bikes and picnicking by the Seine and maybe taking the train to Brittany to see the kids I used to babysit and oh yeah collecting some second language learner data...

So much to do!  And even more to do between now and the time I leave, but I am just bursting at the seams with excitement!


John S. said...

That's awesome!! I'm so happy for you! I'll definitely want to see your pictures, and if you are by any chance going to be in Paris when Em's in Europe, maybe she can come visit you on a long weekend or something!

Melinda said...

Thanks, John! :D There will be many pictures taken, don't you worry about that, and I would *love* it if EmJ came to visit! I'll be there 6/2 - 7/18, except for a week in June when I'm in England (6/14 - 6/18), so she'd be totally welcome any weekend!

Anonymous said...

my darling, I'm sure you'll have une grande temps extraodinaire, and it will be so great to be just a touriste. Besides, anythings gotta be better than walking up 7 flights of stairs to a closet. Congratulations- wish I was going.

Anonymous said...

I can't speak French so I'll just
send a big ole American yahoo your
way. I know you'll have a wonderful time and we're very excited for you. Say hi to William
and Kate for me when you get to England.

Love you,
granny and grampy