Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Before and After: the Entryway

Here it is, the piece de resistance:

Do you love it? Do you hate it? I feel like it will be one of the two. I also feel like this room kind of grabs you by the hair and screams "CHEERFUL, DAMMIT, CHEERFUL". But I love it, and that's almost all that matters. Do you see the red kitchen wall peeking through the doorway?

Roger is pretty indifferent. He said he thought it would be too orangey with all the woodwork, and he might be right. But I like the contrast with the white baseboards and other white walls, and I'm going to do the rest of the room (decorations, slip covers for chairs) in cooler, non-orange colors.

And please excuse the ladder and other painting supplies. I just finished and I wanted to hurry up and put up pictures.

Trust me, the first few swipes of paint were kind of scary. But then it's too late, so you might as well keep going! I loved the color on paper, especially next to the red of the kitchen. They're both very saturated and kind of like, grown-up kindergarten colors. Then when I started on the wall behind the coat rack, I thought, "Uh-oh, this is too much." But I kept going, and I'm glad I did. It's not too too much when there's stuff on the wall. And when the initial shock wears off. ;)

Rye really liked the plastic drop cloth, for some reason.

Several times I heard lots of grunting and rustling sounds, and he was just jumping and playing around in the plastic, balling it up, rolling around in it, etc. I guess he's easy to please if you don't mind him destroying things once in a while.

And Huck, well, he just loves his dog-dad.

That's all for now! I have enough paint for one more room, and I have lots of ideas but no more money for the other two, so it might be a while before I finish any of them. And painting takes forever! And I'm kind of tired of it!

I got a bunch of books and posters for Christmas, so I might move on to other endeavors for a few days. Plenty of stuff to read, pictures to hang, and cleaning to do before classes start back up again!


Anonymous said...

I really, really like the orange- and I really liked the red, but I just can't imagine them side-by-side. You can tone them down with browns I would think. Love the pics of the boys. Glad you called. I love you baby girl. You're doing a good job making your home cozy.

Kate said...

I love love it. Looks great Melinda.

JadeEJF said...

I loooove it. But then I'm a bright cheerful colors kind of girl. I think it looks fantastic with the woodwork :D Yay for oranges- what color is it exactly? We're looking for something yummy for our back room and haven't decided.

Melinda said...

Thanks, everyone! I love it too, especially the more I get used to it.

Beth: the color is from Behr, it's called "Sweet Mandarin". They have a fun website where you can pick out colors and "paint" rooms with them to see how they look. That's how I got up the courage to go so bright - it looked good online!

I'm (slowly) working on our bedroom now, and it's gonna look great once I'm done. That might be another few days, though, since classes start tomorrow!