Sunday, January 31, 2010

Before and After: the Bedroom

I'm back! And it's time for another edition of "Before and After"!

Here is the before shot of our bedroom. In case you can't tell by the photo, it is rather small. Just enough space for our bed and two dressers. The dressers in the first picture are against the wall that you can't see, opposite the side of the bed. Now, as I think I said before, when we first moved in, our room was quite zen, and I actually liked it that way. No clutter, no distractions. Just sleep space.

But I'm pretty sure I like it better now:

It doesn't even look like the same room, does it? I had to move the bed and dressers while I was painting, and I decided I like them better on opposite sides of the room. (Also, I didn't feel like swapping them again. They're heavy, and the room is tiny.) All of the walls are that light brown color, except for the purple one. I was a little concerned it might be too dark, but really, it just feels very cozy. And I think I like cozy better than zen.

So I'm done painting for a while. I finally used up all my paint, and with classes in full swing, I should probably be doing other things besides painting anyway. Our big conference is this weekend, and I cannot wait for it to be over. Well... I can't wait for like, a week after it's over, when I will have organized and filed all the receipts so we can get reimbursed from our various sponsors! It will be so so nice to not have that hanging over my head!

In other me news, I signed up for the Oakland Half Marathon at the end of March, and I am very very excited. I did 14.5 miles today, to make sure I could, and I can. :) It definitely wiped me out a little bit more than it used to, but that makes sense, since I haven't done over 10 in one go since my last marathon, and that was a full 6 months ago now. (Crazy!) I think I'll try to do San Francisco again this summer; it was a great race, and I don't think that course will ever get old.

In Roger news, his office is moving to San Francisco in less than two weeks! I am so excited for him! No more leaving home at 7:30 am and getting home at 9:00 pm! (Well, that should no longer be the norm, anyway...)

I want to tell you about my new foam roller, but really, I should finish folding laundry and actually use my foam roller instead of telling you about it. So I'll have to save that for next time! Adieu, bonne nuit, et tout.


JadeEJF said...

That *is* dramatic! And yay for shorter commutes! Woohoo :D

Anonymous said...

your purple is a very beautiful blue on my laptop, lol. I saw it as purple on gma's computer though and it's very nice- looks very cozy. If your 7-8 years of college don't work out you can always be a painter :) I love you, will call this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda,

Hope you are doing well.

I have a guitar tech question for you, but am unsure if I have your current email address. When you get a chance can you send me an email letting me know.


James W.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda,

Hope you are doing well.

I have a guitar tech question for you, but am unsure if I have your current email address. When you get a chance can you send me an email letting me know.


James W.