Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where did October go??

Seriously! How can it possibly be October 22nd?? Time goes SO much faster for me when I'm in school. The year I was in Urbana after college felt like it took forever (partially in a good way, mind you; it was a very relaxing year in a way), and I'm somehow most of the way through this semester already! It's unreal.

I'm pretty much done with mid-term season now, I think. Not that I really had any midterms, but I did have a lot of stuff to do these past few weeks, and I think I have a bit of a break for a few weeks now before my end of the semester stuff will be due. The main thing on my mind right now is still my National Science Foundation fellowship application. It's almost done, but once I get it handed in and it's completely out of my hands, it'll be a minor weight lifted off my shoulders. And it's due November 6th, so I don't have too much longer to wait! I'm hoping to finish it up this weekend, actually....

Hmm, what else... things are pretty good, really. Roger hasn't been hired on anywhere yet, so we're both frustrated and anxious about that, but we'll be okay on money for a while longer since I just raked in some birthday cash last week! (Thanks again, everyone!) The weather is fantastic, and I've been squeezing in about two runs a week with the dogs. It's funny; they're not in as good a shape as they used to be! I used to have to do at least 7-8 miles with them to even put a dent in their energy for the rest of the day, but we did 6 on Saturday and they napped the rest of the day. It's ok - race registration just opened for next year's San Francisco Marathon, and I'll probably try to train for it and actually run it this summer. :)

I'm getting excited about my classes for next semester, too. I'm only going to take four, I think, and I don't think it will be nearly as rigorous a semester as this one. Which means I should be able to run more regularly, which is what brought me to this paragraph. Anyway, I'm taking a MATH class, and I'm very excited about that. I haven't had math since calculus in my senior year of high school, and I miss it! It's so concrete and unarguable and black and white. It's a puzzle where your answer is either right or wrong - no discussion needed. So that should be fun.

Well, I slept on my back funny last night and it's been bothering me today, so I think I'm going to sign off and go stretch it out a little. I'll leave you with some pictures from the past few days.

Boys asleep on the couch.

Saturday Downtown Berkeley farmer's market. Clock tower on campus in the background, through the trees.

Cute sleepy Huckleberry Hound.

Rye-dog on the lookout. He's decided the picnic table on the porch is his.

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