Monday, November 9, 2009


Since I don't have time for a proper post, and I wouldn't know how to organize right now anyway, here are some things on my mind right this very second:

- I'm so glad my grandpa is doing better. He's been in the hospital for almost two weeks now after having a heart attack and maybe a small stroke, but last I heard, he was recovering very well and will probably get to go home soon.

- I like that the sun rises earlier now, but it is a little bit of a bummer walking the dogs in the dark at 5:30.

- I am living off of cream of broccoli and leek soup, and it doesn't show signs of getting old anytime soon. Yay food processor!!

- I have way more reading to get done tonight than I'd like to think about right now. Monday evening through Tuesday evening are usually pretty hectic.

- I still don't know what I'm writing one of my final papers about. Ugh.

- Our house is so warm and toasty right now. Must be the contrast caused by the fact that it's finally somewhat chilly outside - 45 degrees this morning! Fantastic!

- I didn't ride my bike today because the back tire keeps going flat. I should test it out tonight before I try to ride it to campus for my 9 am class.

- Thanksgiving is coming! Roger's birthday is coming! They're on the same day! I think that means I have to make a pumpkin pie and a key lime pie.

I guess it's time to walk the dogs now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Update on Grandpa..he is now in a
rehab center learning to use his
muscles again. His attitude is great and he's determined to get
well. Thank goodness it didn't
affect his mind, sharp as ever. It's going to a lot longer recovery
than we had thought.

Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa