Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big Sur, Here I Come!

I signed up for the Big Sur 21-miler last night! I'll be driving down with my new running buddy, Sara, to run the race on April 26th. I am SO excited. Do you see that picture? Lordy, lordy.

Also, a public service announcement before I do some homework: the inaugural Illinois Marathon (in C-U!) needs more volunteers!! If they don't get enough by April 1st, they'll have to cancel the race!! I'm looking at you, central IL folks - help out all those runners and spend part of your Sunday morning cheering them on!


Anonymous said...

oh my, that's so beautiful- no wonder you want to run it!
smootches and hugs,

704Studio said...

Good luck, Melinda - You are going to have so much fun - hope you have a blast!

Anonymous said...

HOW WAS THE RACE???????? tell me, tell me!