Saturday, August 3, 2013

grad student life

At dinner last night:

Me:  I know someone from my hometown who just had her third kid.

Friend:  Whoooaaa.  That's crazy.

Me:  It's not actually that crazy, is the weird thing.

Friend:  Actually, you're right.  I guess she could have gotten married right after college, waited a bit, and still spaced them two years apart.  I guess we're getting old.

Me:  I know, it's really weird.  All these people my age on their second and third kid...

Friend:  Yeah, but... we know LaTeX.

Wahn wahhhnnn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know to whom you're referring, but Danica's got 3, and she puts her oldest in beauty contests :) Hope your back feels better sweetheart.